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发布时间:2024-03-11 来源:http://www.lushangyun.com/


The essence of equity incentives is to affirm the value of human capital, and the original intention of selecting incentive targets is to identify two types of positions: one is the person who plays a key role in enterprise policy control and core process operation; the other is the person whose performance and personal enthusiasm directly affect the smooth implementation of the enterprise's strategy. The first type of person is relatively fixed, usually referred to as senior executives, while the second type of person undergoes significant changes with changes in the company's strategic orientation. Among the incentive targets of Ruifeng High Tech, drivers belong to the second type of incentive targets, and they play an important role in the company's strategic objectives.


"Unqualified" personnel: For those who do not currently meet the incentive conditions, we will temporarily refer to them as "unqualified" personnel. They can be treated as probationary party members and given health shares or options. Once they meet the incentive conditions, they will be converted to full members and granted real shares.


Part time/part-time employees: In order to reduce the mobility of part-time employees, some companies also implement equity incentive plans for them, typical of which is Starbucks' "coffee bean stock" plan.


The current situation in the industry, where almost all employees are young and the turnover rate is very high, does not match the urgent need for a stable workforce for Starbucks to expand its stores. According to an analysis by a human resources consulting company, having a large number of experienced managers parachuted in is not a good choice for Starbucks. It should seek long-term cooperation with employees and help them cultivate, improve skills, and accumulate experience to ensure the long-term development of the enterprise.



In fact, the "coffee stock" plan, also known as the employee stock ownership plan, effectively solves this contradiction. It is understood that this plan is part of the company's comprehensive compensation, aimed at providing employees with stock option plans to transform them from employees to partners of the company.

“所有星巴克直营市场的伙伴,无论是全职,还是计时的咖啡吧人员,只要在一年中累计工作时间达到或超过 360 小时,即可拥有星巴克咖啡豆股票。” 星巴克中国公共事务部传播总监王星蓉说,“该计划以年为计算单位,提供给满足条件的伙伴。每年,星巴克董事会对公司当年业绩和费用做出评估,并决定奖励给伙伴们星巴克股票额度。随着伙伴们在星巴克的成长,他们拥有的股票也将不断增加。”

"All Starbucks' direct market partners, whether full-time or timed coffee bar staff, can own Starbucks coffee bean stocks as long as they have accumulated 360 or more working hours in a year." said Wang Xingrong, Communication Director of Starbucks' China Public Affairs Department. "This plan is provided on an annual basis to eligible partners.". Every year, the Starbucks board of directors evaluates the company's performance and expenses for the year and decides to award Starbucks stock quotas to its partners. As partners grow at Starbucks, their stock holdings will continue to increase

其实,星巴克此计划刚提出时,也受到了股东的反对,只是现任公司CEO 的舒尔苏已经打定了主意,并说服了股东。他认为,向员工赠股必然使公司获得强大的后援支撑,有利于促进销售和利润的增长,如果能把每一个雇员都结合到一个整体中来,那么他们就会以 CEO 同样的态度来对待公司,这样,投资者的股份比例也许相对缩小了,但是他们名下的股值肯定会增长得更快。

In fact, when Starbucks first proposed this plan, it also faced opposition from shareholders, but the current CEO, Schultz, had already made up his mind and convinced the shareholders. He believes that giving stocks to employees will inevitably provide a strong support for the company, which is conducive to promoting sales and profit growth. If every employee can be integrated into a whole, they will treat the company with the same attitude as the CEO. In this way, the proportion of shares held by investors may be relatively reduced, but the value of their shares will definitely increase faster.

星巴克某店经理王松( 化名 )表示:“我们的股票期权都是公司赠送的是一种福利,每年行使期权后都会获得部分收益,伙伴们希望公司每年都有好收益,因为这与每个人的期权收益相关,所以在工作的时候积极性特别高。因为公司是国外的上市公司,个人交易不方便,所以我们都委托公司替我们行权,只要定期查工资卡里边的收益就行。我在公司多,每年的收益都挺好,2008 年公司股价跌到谷底的时候,期权收益受到影响,但是公司通过其他的多种措施保证了伙伴们的这部分收益。

Starbucks store manager Wang Song (pseudonym) said, "Our stock options are all gifts given by the company as a benefit. After exercising the options every year, we will receive partial returns. Our partners hope that the company will have good returns every year because this is related to everyone's option returns, so we are particularly motivated to work.". Because the company is a publicly listed foreign company and personal transactions are inconvenient, we entrust the company to exercise our rights on our behalf, as long as we regularly check the income in our salary card. I have worked in many companies and my annual earnings are good. When the company's stock price hit a bottom in 2008, option returns were affected, but the company ensured this portion of profits for its partners through various other measures.


Starbucks employee shareholding will greatly enhance employee motivation, while also promoting talent stability and better ensuring the normal operation of Starbucks.

值得注意的是,兼职人员股权激励方案可分为在母公司持股( 持上),,既在母公司持股又在子公司持股(持上又持下),但是对于上市公司,兼职人员不能持有子公司股份。

It is worth noting that the equity incentive plan for part-time employees can be divided into holding shares in the parent company (holding up) and holding shares in both the parent company and subsidiaries (holding up and holding down). However, for listed companies, part-time employees cannot hold shares in subsidiaries.

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